Basically, when we say we’re raising free people, we’ve decided that respect and love, not fear and control, will be how we raise and regard the youngest members of our homes and our society. It’s a form of respectful parenting, but even more so, it’s about living out our belief in liberation to the benefit of children and ourselves. Calling it “raising free people work, or rfp work” is our way of acknowledging that this IS work, and that there ARE tools and people and books and events and public groups and private groups to support this type of conscious parenting, respectful parenting, liberation-mindedness that is inclusive of the ones who tend to bear the weight of our unhealed wounds, our not-yet-adults. #BIPOCinSDE
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Thank you for labor of love.
I am a white ANTI-RACIST PARENT raising what I intend to be two anti-racist white children in Sweden. These podcasts are so important, especially in Sweden where home and unschooling is not possible. Teaching critical thinking skills and parenting with love, trust and respect is a practice that I am committed to. My biggest struggle is the ‘colour blind’ white Swedish cultural norms. Thank you so much for allowing me, a queer, intersex, gender non-conforming white parent to learn from you!