I got an email in response to episode 115 (On White Privilege and Pleasure) that left me disappointed and upset about another experience with white fragility targeted at this podcast.…
"The Grow Platform is rooted in sustainability, liberation, unconditional love, creativity, purpose, and collaboration. Thoughts to help you in your growth towards raising free people." - Dr. Sundiata Soon-Jahta
the Do Better Series. This week I’m reading a Self-Mothering essay to remind you why and how this do-better gotta start with you first. I wrote it in 2016, and…
Body Peace & Holistic Wellness at ANY size Speaker | Coach | Activist | Healer A fitting close-out to The Pleasure Series, Ivy Felicia talks about body relationships, especially as…
Why do we push back against children’s pleasure? Because safety, right? Because boundaries, right? Even in the cases where both of those are true, what’s also true in many cases...
To start you on that journey, this is the Pleasure series, a collection of discussions about how pleasure affects our lives, and in turn, those of the children around us.…
This week's episode in the Parent Founder series features the “wise old woman” voice of Leslie Bray. Leslie is the space-holder for Kid Cultivators, a homeschooling collective that makes space…
This week’s episode in the Parent Founders series features the voice and experiences of Yolande Tomlinson. She co-founded Anna Julia Cooper Learning and Liberation Center (AJC), “a cooperative, learner-centered, and…