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podcastSeason 1

To Build a Traceur

By September 13, 2016March 13th, 2019No Comments

Audio Producer

Juan P. Perez


Fatima Mookadam


Marley Richards

This will not be your typical story about an educational journey. Even though this episode is about an adult who embraces unschooling, we will not be discussing a step by step process about how a child who was unschooled grew into adulthood and thrived. Instead, we’re going to explore. We’re going to talk about a being who went from feelings of lovelessness that spiraled into an attempted suicide, to using learning as a primary tool for self-exploration, which led to self-love, to fatherhood, and to an every-evolving state of thrive.

This series of episodes — any of them with “adult unschoolers” in the title – is part of a larger mission to help us get more comfortable releasing the reigns of parenting and allowing young people to freely be themselves, and trust that learning happens organically.

Coming up on episode 7 of Fare of the Free Child, I break bread with Curron Gajadhar- an artist and movement trainer who was based in Atlanta, but now goes wherever his process takes him. We address the fear of what might happen if we don’t control children through religion and rules and physical consequence. And we discuss the fare we pay, both as children and adults, when we use fear instead of self-discovery as our compass.

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