Consultations for Deschooling and Re-humanizing Team Culture

Before our collaborate work with corporations and non-profits, Maleka Diggs, Kelly Limes Taylor, and my experiences as unschooling mothers, Black women, and professionals, helped shape our views and our skillsets. Since meeting each other and nurturing friendship and shared goals, we've work together, in various configurations (individually, two of us, all three of us) to offer support sessions for groups and individuals who want language and practice to integrate Self-Directed Education skills into their plans and communities.
You already have the solution. Kelly helps you recognize it. With Kelly, that means making space for and encouraging what comes up for clients, and pointing out ways to adjust their thinking to better recognize their own solutions. This work happens in two streams: Limes-Taylor Consulting and Consortia Guidance Services.
Limes-Taylor Consulting works with individuals or organizations who need help recognizing solutions for current adventures. Consortia Guidance Services works with individuals or organizations to build a future that’s healthy and whole, and this work is often done in conjunction with our tutoring program. Learn more about Kelly here.
The Outcome
We support teams to notice and name harm, and then to discuss and disect it through consent-based, safe-enough-to-try experiences. Our intentions are to be part of the practices that minimize harm, facilitate healing, and co-create expansive, inclusive communities.
“Akilah brings a fresh and inspiring perspective to what are the underlying conditions of the journey that women are looking to liberate themselves from so that their choices can be truly free. She also has the ability to translate this wisdom to the "dominant culture" without shame or blame so that cultures can be healed. Akilah is one of a kind.”
Carolyn Buck Luce