The first sister in this circle started as a patron of my work. She invited me to part of The Remarkable Women’s journey, after advocating for me to be in that room full of a a particular flavor of privilege and power. She knew that the room would also be full of opportunities for real connection and decolonization, so she brought my name and work into that room, and advocated for me with all of herself. It worked, and after talking with Lynne Twist, Sara Vetter, and Carolyn Buck Luce, I walked with caution and curiosity toward the experience. Fast forward to today, and it is with the most ease and love that I fix my lips to call these women my sisters. That group of three, plus Mercer, grew to include the energies called Vanessa, Ricki, Teri, Elaine, Hillary, Kim, Tiffany, and Manvir. Together, we get into conversation about spirit, and money, biases and babies, death, dollars, value, loss–all the bits of life and meaning. We work together, disrupt and design systems together, we don’t hide our tears in front of each other. Our roots are reaching and strengthening each other, soft and fierce, sweet and disruptive, ears and hearts wide open, boundaries in tact, love on tap.
A Deliberate and Determined Sister Circle

"the solidarity of women based on shared conditions, experiences, or concerns."
web3 and the future
diet and thin culture/fatphobia
reimagining the nature of “exchange” and the value of contribution (beyond money);
threats to current freedoms/democracy
language beyond words/expanded understanding of value, and of intimacy | standing firm on shaky grounds (being the bringer of new convos into old-money rooms)
Spiritual/Energy realms: How do we validate “the ineffable”? How do we investigate teachers/fortune tellers/clairvoyants to feel certitude and trust?
The power of love: What does it look like, feel like, how does it manifest to use love (rather than fear) as a driving energy force.