Family Decolonization Practices

In the summer of 2018, Latinx SDE Organizers, Priscilla Luna and Tiffany Sandivol teamed up with their community to co-organize the first "Raising Free People Chat" in Inglewood, California. After that experience, I knew I wanted to be more deliberate about being part of these types of informal, deeply personal gatherings around unschooling and deschooling. The purpose of these talks is to discuss Deschooling, Unschooling, and Self-Directed Education in contexts that center our cultural, spiritual, and sociopolitical individual aspects. to expand beyond mere alternatives to schooling. Shawna Murrary-Browne is one of my primary spaces of inquiry and guidance for means and progress in decolonizing family structures and practices.


    Always arranged in collaboration with community organizers

    Likely takes place in a large private home/yard

    BIPOC-catered food

    Gift Culture (no fees, only offerings)

    Longform (3 to 5 hours)

    Circular seating

    Honors and affirms the need for BIPOC-exclusive spaces

    “Freedom is individual. Liberation is collective.”

    Shawna Murray-Browne