I got an email in response to episode 115 (On White Privilege and Pleasure) that left me disappointed and upset about another experience with white fragility targeted at this podcast.…
Body Peace & Holistic Wellness at ANY size Speaker | Coach | Activist | Healer A fitting close-out to The Pleasure Series, Ivy Felicia talks about body relationships, especially as…
Why do we push back against children’s pleasure? Because safety, right? Because boundaries, right? Even in the cases where both of those are true, what’s also true in many cases...
“A conversation on the freedom of education through the lenses of Self-Directed Education, what freedom in education can look like, and how we can create liberatory practices in ourselves and…
Is mindful parenting sustainable. Can Caribbean people, for example, with all our deep familiarity in the art of loving yet intimidation-based parenting, actually learn how to consistently be in respect-based,…
Jennifer "Astarte Rising" Lane is the mother of two grown unschoolers. She, along with the wisdom of Itiel McVay, another long-time unschooling mama, are our guides for this episode.
We’re talking about healing work this week! Sonia was already on Episode 42 talking about getting free and taking her daughters, and the families in her Nashville community, along for…